Best Server - Mac Mini or Laptop Or ?

Suggestions on getting the best sound from the mp3 files I have.

- Existing 5 year old Mac Pro laptop
- New mac mini
- Modified mac mini (Mac2music seems to have disappeared - any suggestions on simple mods to make?)

Next thing to do is ditch the MP3's and play AIFF files on the Mac. Rip CD's using XLD (freeware).

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
What differences are there between a 2009 and 2012 mini in terms of sound?

What hard drive, usb to dac cable and dac would you recommend?
Chuck - this mini:

With Snow Leopard on it.

CDC2 - sound differences are: 2011 sounds a bit flat, uninteresting, not vivid, without weight. A bit threadbare. Also 2011 only works decent with short USB cable.

SSD I recommend is:

USB cable: I like the Revelation Audio Labs. Also heard that the Wireworld is good, but have not compred it. If you can find a used Locus Design Polestar or Axis, these are very good. Get at least 1.5m long.

As for DAC, I manufacture one, so this is what I recommend. Gets rid of your preamp without needing to go to digital volume control.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

Just so I understand.

Mac Mini - late 2009

Add 120 GB SSD (how important is brand - one place I found that has the mac available sells 128GB Apple branded Toshibas, a 160GB Intel)?

Need, external drive for music storage (any recommendations here?)