Eera Tentation cd player - any thoughts?

Hallo everyone. I've just upgraded my lp front end to a level that I don't think I can easily improve beyond. Along with all the best attributes of analogue, it has much of the precision of the best cd.
Now I'm looking for a cd player that can demonstrate an excellent analogue sensibility. Currently running an Emm Labs CDSA SE, which although v. listenable, has the tonal thinness thru the mids that all cd I've heard is prone to.
Players I've never got on with incl. Meridian, Wadia, DCS, AMR etc.
So now I hear of the EERA TENTATION which according to no less than the analogue afficionado Albert Von Schweikert really has a tonal density and transparency to rate right up there with the best of analogue.
Who here has heard it, and what are your impressions?
I'm also looking at the NEODIO NR22 which I gather also has many of analogue's best traits.
Yep, aware of the one and only Eng. language review.
Surely others have an opinion, it seems to be selling to those dissatisfied in comparison with much more expensive rigs (DCS etc).
AudioPlay in the UK will be comparing the Eera Tentation and Neodio NR22 players in the not-too-distant future.

Here's an impression of the Eera Tentation from a beta tester.
This quote (from the above link) IMHO, is an excellent description of what's
going on with digital:

"What, in my opinion, is a major advantage of Analog (Vinyl) over CD
Playback is actually the micro-dynamics.  Digital can often be superior on
macrodynamic shifts and was one of the reasons along with superior signal
to noise ratio that CD and Digital promised “perfect sound forever”. 
However, the moment to moment shifts in more subtle dynamics that I think
of as the breath and life of the music I believe is much better portrayed on
Vinyl/Analog.  As an analogy, consider a computer monitor or TV screen
with very course pixels where each pixel can be clearly seen.  Now picture
a TV Screen (such as Plasma or LCD) in 1080p HD where the pixels have
become so small they can no longer be seen.  The microdynamic changes
in Digital playback are like the course pixels and on Vinyl/Analog playback,
whereas the microdynamics from Vinyl/Analog flow from an infinite
continuum.  The Eera Tentation CD Player comes the closest to this infinite
continuum of microdynamic shades and changes of Vinyl/Analog by a
remarkable margin over any other Digital System I have heard.  This
feature is among its most, if not the most, of its mesmerizing attributes and
drew me deeply, intensely, and enthusiastically into each piece of music,
moment by moment."
I would like to compare the tentation with an Ayon CD5s with n o s tubes which sounds pretty sweet IMO has anyone done this:?,