Sony playstation 1

Does anyone know how to bypass the dac and use the playstation as a transport only? Could not find any information on this.

Thanks Tom
So I guess 6-moons and stereophile can not listen to the great gear you own. Why would at least two mags who could not sell ads for a outdated game player speak so highly of it?

So I guess you can spend 5 grand on a player whose lazer is going to go bad and hope you can still get one as the industry goes to computer drives.

The assumption is the sony sounds good because of the dac. How do we know it is not the transport?
Tomwh..I never said I have great gear..I never would spend 5 grand on a player and I pay very little attention to mags....So I guess,just my opinion
i was sceptical about all the ps1 hype, but there actually is something to it--the damn thing does sound weirdly good, almost vinyl-like and free from digital glare. i didn't like using that silly controller, but that's just me. i agree that it doesn't make sense to modify it or bypass the dac--i'd use it as-is.
i have read online somewhere that there is a slight mod you can do with a soldering iron and the unit will play cd-rs. stock unit was designed to only play new cds and games. i enjoy the sound of mine but just use it sporadically. i agree with loomis, it has a weirdly good sound. i think the directions are in the audioasylum archives.