Sony playstation 1

Does anyone know how to bypass the dac and use the playstation as a transport only? Could not find any information on this.

Thanks Tom
i was sceptical about all the ps1 hype, but there actually is something to it--the damn thing does sound weirdly good, almost vinyl-like and free from digital glare. i didn't like using that silly controller, but that's just me. i agree that it doesn't make sense to modify it or bypass the dac--i'd use it as-is.
i have read online somewhere that there is a slight mod you can do with a soldering iron and the unit will play cd-rs. stock unit was designed to only play new cds and games. i enjoy the sound of mine but just use it sporadically. i agree with loomis, it has a weirdly good sound. i think the directions are in the audioasylum archives.
I own one I picked up for $15.00 and a $3.00 wireless remote. Is it the most resolving player? No. What it does for a very low cost is sound non digital and smooth. I use mine feeding my tubed head amp. I compared to many lower cost players and the ps1 earned a spot. And yes it is the dac that makes it worthwhile. I believe if a naysayer listened to my head rig without knowing whats driving it wouldn't laugh quite as loud.