Cambridge Audio 840C player still a good buy ?

I am building a second system and have seen some 840C's go for around $ 750.00

Is this still a worthwhile player based on sonics?

I am leaving the DAC-access out of the equation for now, mainly interested in how it sounds compared to what is available for the money.

Thanks for your opinion!
I have had one for a number of years. I ended up using it mainly as a transport feeding a Bryston BDA-1, which resolved a lot of issues. The Class A Bryston output was smoother, warmer and more resolving than the stock analog outputs of the 840.

I then purchased a PWT, which is considerably more expensive than the 840. Feeding both into the Bryston, I found the PWT to be a bit better resolving with a nicer 3d soundfield than the 840, but whether its worth 2.5 to 4x more is a good question. The PWT can play high res files the 840 cannot, which eventually swayed my decision.

But for the money, the 840 is a good product.
I owned an 840C for several years. An incredible player for the money. I had to spend a lot more to better it
I had one for awhile after wanting one for a long, long time. Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge Cambridge Audio fan. I have the 840A amp and it is one of the best sounding solid state integrated amps I've ever owned. It absolutely smashed my McIntosh MA-6900. But the 840C was one of the biggest let downs in many years of audio purchases. Clinical is a good description. Unmusical would also be apt.
(sigh) I have the 840C; unmusical it is not. A few years ago, it beat the pants off my original Meridian 508.24 that I purchased new in 1997 and that was the reason that I bought it. Or perhaps, the 508.24 was also unmusical?
I have one and I've run it through both solid state and - currently - through tubes. I can see why some folks might think it sounds lean, especially with SS. I ran mine through a Musical Fidelity NuVista for a while and the highs were really bright and the sound, while detailed, was definitely a little dry. On the other hand, through tubes the thing sounds amazing. Great detail and dimensionality and terrific bass. Of course, this is just my experience - yours may vary - but I've been pretty happy with the player.

Also - I don't use the DAC often, but I have a Musical Fidelity V-Link that I use with it on occasion. There is a bit of high end loss, but I couldn't tell you if that's the DAC's fault, the V-Link or iTunes. I have friends who use the DAC with higher resolution formats and they seem happy.