Metrum Octave dac is it sound really better ?

hi my friends.
it was very nice to reads all this good things about metrum dac.i wonder alot if this dac with compare to anothers dacs like i was sound in my country (that dont have metrum dac to hear ),i listen in to teddy dac,cambridge audio azur 840 c ,rdac,ORX jade 1 .and when i compare between them there wasnt diffrent between Rdac of arcam to cambridge audio azur 840 c and teddy dac that was alot expensive then my rdac.i wonder if this bzzz around this metrum dac that not so expensive will give the sound a reall imporvment ??
i wish it will be sound like a reall good cd player like the EAR Acute is it ???
my system is :
FUJITSU ION PC i use usb port
FOOBAR 2000 MEDIA i set the output in foobar to kernal stream .

i hope to hear alot of response and i really consider to buy the metrum octave dac (i cant hear it in my country israel ) the only way is to trust you my dear friends i hope u will help me . THANKS ALOT
I sold a LampizatOr Level 3 in favor of a Metrum Octave and prefer the Metrum by a significant margin.
The digital source jitter makes or breaks this DAC, as in most DACs. Customers report that it is excellent, however some have had problems with 24/192. Some work and some don't.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

Unfortunately I have the same issue: can't audition. By all accounts it sounds special, so I went ahead and ordered one. If it's not special enough I will likely be able to sell it at a small discount.

A couple of things to keep in mind:
- The Metrum does not have USB input. You mention you use the USB port in your laptop. You will need a USB-to-S/PDIF converter between laptop and Metrum. Look into a couple of threads discussing this in this forum.

- The Metrum is specified up to 24 bit / 176 kHz, and only 1 in 100 are said to work up to 192. This is only an issue if you have many 24/192 albums, which I don't.

My estimation is a laptop + good USB-to-S/PDIF converter + Metrum will outperform many CD players at the same price point. It should be even better with hi-resolution files (24 bit), which CD can't support. I have not tried this, though, hence it's an estimation.

Nice amp and speakers, BTW.

I hope this helps.

Shabat Shalom!