Logitech Touch vs Apple TV

There's a lot of talk about the demise of the Logitech Touch. I haven't heard much on Apple TV on this discussion board. Certainly it's a very attractive alternative for the many that have multiple Apple products in their homes and use iTunes. I'm interested in your thoughts on the pros and cons of Apple TV.
The audio on ATV3 is very good on Netflix films!

iTunes music library audio is acceptable and very versatile.

I am using a Sony HDTV through Audio Research SP-14 and Son of Ampzilla 2000 into Magnepan IIIa's.

The ATV3 for $99 is a no brainer!
Hi Steve,
I have AppleTV feeding to my Electrocompaniet ecd1 dac. I recently added Oppo 95 and find that using its USB input with flash drive improves the SQ in details, tonality (except midrange) and most significantly soundstage. Obviously Oppo's 32-bit sabre dac plays a major role. One big drawback is I hate Oppo interface and ease of use is not even close to AppleTV.

Do you think adding a reclocker between AppleTV and Electrocompaniet dac would improve the sound to the level on par with oppo or close to in soundstaging, resolution and dynamics?

Thanks in advance.
I have had the appleTV since they released it and have all three versions. At first I didn't like it when they made the switch to streaming away from hard drive but I bet it had to do with cost. I can't remember how much the first gen with 160gb cost but I think it was close to 300, maybe more. 160gb won't hold all my digital copies I have on iTunes, heck even 1 TB won't be enough, I had to upgrade my home computer to 3TB to hold all my iTunes files and still have room for more.

So I have come to like the streaming, I do not mind streaming off my home computer but I would not like it if I had to stream thru the Cloud. I have never had any issues with AppleTV streaming, it always works smoothly for me.

The one thing I hate about the AppleTV is the Optical out as the only audio output. I wish it was coax. Of course eventually I think HDMIs for Audio will be more widely available as a digital input on D.A.C.s in the future. Like the new NAD D.A.C.

I also use my AppleTV to watch TV via NetFlix. I do not like most of the newer shows on TV so spending a chunk of money each month on cable was a waste, know for just a few dollars I get old TV shows to watch when I want to watch them, yes it may not be HD but who cares, it's TV. If I like it that much I will buy it on Blu-Ray or DVD anyway.

I do not use the AppleTV to listen to music, when I want listen to music I spin vinyl.