Playback Designs

Hello friends,

I'm struggle on whether to get a MPS5 or MPS3, I know it is a matter of budget however my concern is whether worth for double the money, anyone can help ?
Doggiehowser: I use Ayon CD-5s as well running directly either into Ayre V-5xe or Ayon Crossfire PA power amp feeding a pair of Lumen White Aquilla speakers through an all cabled Crystal Cable Dream system. Would you say the Playback Designs MPS 5 clearly betters the Ayon ? Have you compared the CD-5s or the MPS-5 to Esoteric K-01, Wadia S-7i, DCS Pucchini - which are more or less similarly priced ?
As a DAC, I think the DSD DAC on the Playback and EMM Labs are better than even the PCM1704s on the Ayons. But the Ayon CD5S as a combined unit with a tube preamp is quite special.

So when I compared the EMM XDS1/MPS5 with an Audio Research Reference 5SE, I find the tube magic is equalized and these 2 DACs are more resolving and more analog than the Ayon.

I havent compared the other players in my own system but I remember comparing the Wadia and the Puccini in the showroom against the XDS1 and I preferred the XDS1. The Puccini was sans U Clock though so that could be another factor. The XDS1 felt more resolving with complex multi instrument pieces.
I just want to post I concur with Doggie.

Via DSD to my ears the Playback Designs is simply the best source I have heard - clearly better than the very good PCM1704 DAC I own, a PDX, that to my ears is better than the Ayon. But via PCM I prefer the PDX by a fair bit actually - its not that the PD is bad that way - its just the PDX is clearly better. Blowed if I know why.

I find the difference between the Playback/EMM DSD DACs vs the PCM1704 to be in the capability to resolve complex arrangements. I find that with many instruments/voices/percussions etc, the DSD DACs tend to show the delineation well.