Playback Designs

Hello friends,

I'm struggle on whether to get a MPS5 or MPS3, I know it is a matter of budget however my concern is whether worth for double the money, anyone can help ?
As a DAC, I think the DSD DAC on the Playback and EMM Labs are better than even the PCM1704s on the Ayons. But the Ayon CD5S as a combined unit with a tube preamp is quite special.

So when I compared the EMM XDS1/MPS5 with an Audio Research Reference 5SE, I find the tube magic is equalized and these 2 DACs are more resolving and more analog than the Ayon.

I havent compared the other players in my own system but I remember comparing the Wadia and the Puccini in the showroom against the XDS1 and I preferred the XDS1. The Puccini was sans U Clock though so that could be another factor. The XDS1 felt more resolving with complex multi instrument pieces.
I just want to post I concur with Doggie.

Via DSD to my ears the Playback Designs is simply the best source I have heard - clearly better than the very good PCM1704 DAC I own, a PDX, that to my ears is better than the Ayon. But via PCM I prefer the PDX by a fair bit actually - its not that the PD is bad that way - its just the PDX is clearly better. Blowed if I know why.

I find the difference between the Playback/EMM DSD DACs vs the PCM1704 to be in the capability to resolve complex arrangements. I find that with many instruments/voices/percussions etc, the DSD DACs tend to show the delineation well.
I have a MPS-5 which I purchased after comparing to the dcs Puccini and U clock. The Playback sounds less digital to me, I have a high end vinyl rig and the
MPS can sound surprisingly similar, depending on the recording. It sounds anything but lean. The Puccini did not manage this as well in my system.
I also had an extensive demo of the 3 box Paganini and preferred the Playback, a fuller, richer sound with better bass to my ears.
I use the MPS mostly for CD as I do not have many SACDs. Myself and a friend have compared the sound of the CD layer with the SACD layer on a few discs and find it hard to hear the difference.
I use the Audio Desk Systeme to treat my CDs, and demagnetise them on an old bulk tape eraser. This improves the sound quality further, tighter focus, better image and gets rid of the last bit of grain.
On Doddiehoser's suggestion I have ordered an USB-x box to play high-res files so am awaiting this item to assess it's influence on replay.
Dont know what the new 5 series firmware will do.
I use a BAT 52se pre amp which seems to suit the Playback really well.