Worst CD player

We've been seeing many threads on the best CD players or best for a given dollar, anyone want to comment on the worst one you've heard?
No heckling from the analog junkies please.
" I'm not sure what price gas to do with sound quality " Keep listening, you will.
Knghifi. The ARC DAC8 probably would be a crappy CD player since it's not a CD player, but it's the best DAC ever made. Maybe you should reconsider posting until you learn a little bit about audio.

" I'm not sure what price gas to do with sound quality " Keep listening, you will.

The is a good chance I have been listening longer, harder and to a lot more equipment than you. If there is one thing I have learned, money can't buy love and it can't buy a stereo system that sounds any more like the real thing. Well.....maybe sometimes.