Worst CD player

We've been seeing many threads on the best CD players or best for a given dollar, anyone want to comment on the worst one you've heard?
No heckling from the analog junkies please.
Sounds like the cheap SOny style cd was defective...years ago TAS had a review of a JVC DVD that could be had at street level for about $100 or less...it was compared favorably to players up to 1k...even a Rega unit which was hot at the time...point being...alot of upscale equipment is marketing, build quality, and pride of ownership...nothing wrong with those...but it doesnt automatically equate to superior sound...
Upscale equipment doesn't automatically equate to superior sound, but the changes of upscale equipment sounding better are many times greater. One place you don't want to cut corners is a digital source, or any source for that matter. Some of the early CD players were pretty much unlistenable.
True...but digital has progressed...and the gap between midfi and hifi has closed considerably...especially in the last decade...with the hi rez advancements being computer based...and with previous audophile formats never cracking the mainstream...
Musical Fidelity kW SACD Player. $7,000 cd player with a .50 cent cd tray. sounded great when it played. what a horror.
Yeah I remember the M.F. KW CD player, a local dealer was really on me to purchase there demo player. I liked the sound of the player but didn't care for the company's flavor of the month attitude. They would just introduce the latest greatest player and within a year it was replaced by something supposedly far better. The way I looked at it, if they spent considerable time, money and resources on a piece of equipment it should not be trashed in favor of something new that must have been developed quickly.