Where to get GNSC mod CD player repaired

I have a Wadia 581 modified by GNSC that requires to replace the CD transport (I guess), does anyone know who can do the work?

Thanks a lots

thank you all very much, I did call Wadia 3 times and left voice mail, no one replied so far.

I will try the True Sound first and later post the result.
I can repair the unit contact me at vujadeaudio@optimum.net

I am in New Jersey.
Who repaired your CD player? How was it turn out? I have an issue on my Wadia 781i Cd player. I contacted Wadia. It came to my huge upset that Wadia simply emailed me to say Wadia could not offer the repair as the vendor of the CD mechanism on longer supplied the parts to Wadia. I have a huge problem with repair. I'd like to know who will be able to do the repair. Thanks.

did you get the player fixed? Whom did the repair?
What was the issue? Keep me posted & Happy Listening!