Tube DAC Recommendations

I am in the market for DAC; my preference is a tube DAC. My primary music source will come from a computer or music server. The DAC will connect to Sim Audio 700i integrated amp. Budget is up to $7000 for the DAC.
I have been studying this forum over the last several months but cannot seem to find a consensus on the top 3-5 tube DACs.
Any input is appreciated.

Glad I was able to help. I will post back as requested, and I hope that you are able to favorably post back after your unit has broken in.
I am with Doggiehowser on this. I also have a PDX and have compared it to tons of stuff and nothing bests it so far. The only one that may do it is a Killer DAC which I have on order. I have heard it on a few occasions and know it is very good but haven't done a direct comparison to a PDX. That DAC was compared to a number of uber expensive DAC's by people whose ears I trust including an Audio Note and top of the line DCS Stack. The others were quickly eliminated leaving the Killer and DCS. It was a tie - the DCS was quicker with fantastic detail but the Killer simply sounded more natural and real.

To find out about a PDX check here:

To Find out about the Killer check here:

When I get the Killer I will be doing a detailed comparison as well as lending it to guys I trust such as Doggiehowser so they can do the same.

Bob,The PDX looks like it cound be something special.Pasive resistor I/V straightforward output stage and wow, Duelund VSF capacitors with the level 2 mod(very interesting). What`s the output(volts) of this DAC and does it avoid the use of opamps? How stout is the power supply?
My tried and true recommendation: Audio Note.

I have yet to hear a DAC I prefer.

It's strength is the orgnanic, natural quality of voice and instrument timbre, dynamics, and dimensionality. It has great frequency extension with clear highs and satisfying bass.

Only two downsides I can think of:
1- Essentially no USB support. If you need USB you will need a USB to SPDIF converter.
2- The DAC chip only supports up to 18/96.

Even with those limitations it is the most natural digital music experience I've ever heard.
I've heard the Aesthetix Pandora VC being feed from a PS Audio PWT into the AES input and a Auraliti PK 90 into the USB input. I agree with Rtilden's Romulus comments on break-in and sound quality with 16/44.1 recordings, but hirez from the PWT/PK90 takes it to another level,especialy when connected directly to your amps.