Looking for a DAC that has..

1) Balanced outputs
2) Analog HT by-pass
3) Volume control (preferably analog control)

Budget $3-4k USD new or used.
What you are looking for would be a highly desirable product but I do not think it exists in your pricerange. The wyred 4 sound dac 2 has what you need but it is has a digital volume control (and is a lot cheaper). You could configure an MSB Platinum DAC the way you specified, but this will set you back about $15K.

You can also add this passive switch into the chain:

Kz - Adding a reclocker will make a huge difference, assuming its a good one. It may even beat your Oppo. More important than the DAC itself. The high-voltage discrete output on the Electro DAC is quite good. I used to mod this one. Unfortunately, the DAC module in it is only average, using an older 96-capable D/A chip.

Edorr is right. The lowest price for a good quality solution with everything you want is in the $7K range anyway. The Final Drive transformer buffer alone is around $2K.

You might consider the following:

AppleTV -> Synchro-Mesh -> Electro DAC -> Transformer Linestage -> amps

The Transformer linestage (TVC) will beat any active preamp because the drive from the Electro DAC is strong. There are several options for the linestage:


Steve N.
Empirical Audio
One of my customers purchased an AMR DP-777 which has an optionally enabled line stage with analog volume control. He prefers it over his high end tube preamp.

Dealer disclaimer.
In my estimation you should stay away from a dedicated preamp unless you have an analog source. Volume controls in the DAC have reached a level of quality where the days of the preamp will soon be numbered. We're at an inflextion point, DAC technology is one of the fastest improving in price performace. The machine you are looking for will be there soon within your price range. You will regret having bought an expensive preamp now if you do this. Don't forget additional cabling cost. Here is what I would do:

Get a good, but fully depreciated preamp with HT bypass. Run your Oppo 95 analog into the preamp.
Get a sychnro mesh on 30 day trial. See what sound quality you prefer: Oppo or Apple TV with synchro mesh and electro DAC. Keep the synchro meshif you like it.

Wait it out a little bit - when your ideal DAC has arrived at your pricepoint, sell the preamp (you'll lose a few hundred bucks tops if you buy at the right price). You can then run the synchro mesh and Oppo digitally into your new DAC.
Hi Steve and Edorr,
Thanks for the suggestion. Very intrigued by Synchro-Mesh.

I should have clarified this earlier. I do have a Pass XP-10 linestage that has HT bypass. As good as it sounds with XP-10 in the signal chain esp. in soundstaging (compared to Oppo 95 directly driving my Pass XA30.5 amp), it is not a bad idea for me to get a dac with performance close to XP-10 with HT bypass. I can always sell the XP-10 to finance the new dac purchase. This is not a must because I love the XP-10.

I do not plan to keep Electro ECD-1 dac nor Oppo-95 (esp. with 105 coming out soon). Initial thinking was to get SS mod for 95 from Modwright and sell the ECD-1, but it became clear that I cannot live with Oppo interface. So after reshuffling my priorities with the new knowledge shared by you..here's what I come up with.

A) AppleTV -> Sychro-Mesh -> DAC -> XP-10 linestage -> amps
Return oppo-95, upgrade the dac from ECD-1 to something like W4S dac2 (same sabre dac as oppo) and get the Synchro-Mesh.

B) AppleTV -> DAC with a reclocker -> XP-10 linestage -> amps
Return oppo-95, upgrade the dac from ECD-1 to something like Esoteric D-07, which is currently 50% off on Music Direct. D-07 seems to have a quality internal clock with dedicated power supply and its apodizing filter (not that I know what that is) that should reduce jitter from AppleTV.

C) Edorr suggestion: keep everything for now, add Synchro-Mesh, wait it out and decide later.

I'm favoring B a little at the moment, mainly because I can get D-07 for 50% off. I do not have to wait out for my ideal dac and I can add a passive switch for HT if I do decide to sell XP-10. Oppo+ECD-1 will help finance for D-07 purchase. Plus I will still have AppleTV interface. Please forgive me if I'm making this a lot more complicated than necessary. With limited budget and the desire to make the system flexible for future upgrade (mac mini or some music server), I cannot help but going back/forth with all these options.