DAC for my Esoteric X-O3 SE??

What DAC will transform my Esoteric X-O3 SE to a level that will astound me? ...and what digital cable with it?
I was just wondering, since my Esoteric is four years old if there was a quantum leap in store if I purchased a state of the art DAC
For what it's worth, I have an Esoteric X-03 SE into a Bricasti M1 with a HiDiamond Ref cable, RCA to BNC. I like it.
I own an Esoteric UX-1 and I found out that adding a Yamamoto YDA-01 or an Exemplar-Xindak DAC the sound improvement was -and still is- huge.

Both Srajan Ebaen and Jean Hiraga at one time owned the Esoteric UX-1 and interesting preferred the Yamamoto DAC than the Esoteric`s internal DAC. Same as you Daniel.
I use The Yamamoto DAC and find it superb and utterly natural.
I have an Esoteric UX-3 player and experimented with using my Wyred dac 1 as an external dac. I found that the dac in my Esoteric player gave me a slightly laid back and much more relaxed sound. Since I play mostly rock on this player, I find it to be the best of both worlds. I use my laptop as a music server through the Wyred dac and have found it to bring out the best sound of my mostly classical and jazz music.

Personally, I would keep what you have unless you have a lot of money to blow through. You already have a better player than most people have and you may make a very small improvement in sound, but will probably have to spend northward of 5K to achieve it. Just think of how many cd and sacd's that money could buy.
