I do like it, at least in principle. It's a clever, well-packaged,
09-30-12: Philjolet
I find it interesting that you are not especially interested in keeping the
Dragonfly, I thought you liked it pretty well in your thread.
robust, well-thought-out design. After encountering multi-thousand-dollar
asynchronous USB DACs, I thought it would be interesting to hear/own one I
could afford, designed by Gordon Rankin, no less. I think the Dragonfly does
what it's intended to do: it creates multiple sample rates that provide cleaner
upsamples of all the typical sampling rates, it adds a little analog preamp, and it
provides a better signal path for high-def digital files. Playing the 24/96 sampler
from HDTracks through the Dragonfly was a significant improvement over
computer sound in my house.
However, I am less interested in higher highs, lower lows, louder louds and
softer softs than I am in my emotional response to music. Of course better
fidelity and high resolution helps, but there's something about even excellent
digital playback that doesn't grab me. My emotional response to my turntable rig
is significantly stronger than to any digital sources I listen to, and also closer to
the emotional responses I feel to live music. Therefore, instead of chasing my tail
going after the next round of digital, I'd rather put the money into a better
cartridge. I already have around 1500 LPs and 500 CDs, so at age 59 I'm not
about to start a collection of 24/96 downloads at $18 ea. when--as good as they
sound--they only take me about 80% of the way to where analog takes me.
I think the fact that you need a miniplug to RCA adapter is a pretty big downside
to the Dragonfly though I have not heard one.
Nah, not a factor. There are plenty of very high quality stereo mini-to-RCA
interconnects. I have a couple of them and tried them both--a 1.5M Zu Cable
Mission and a 3M AudioQuest level 5 with PSC+, which is AQ-speak for PCOCC
at six nines copper. Both are great interconnects and I swapped them back and
forth for a sanity check but I found their performance to be close to identical.
If you like the idea of the Dragonfly, don't be put off by the mini-to-RCA
interconnect. There are plenty of good ones out there from Cardas, AQ, Kimber,
Zu, and others.