PS Audio PWD MKII HiFi Tuning fuse direction

What is the correct / preferrable HiFi Tuning Supreme fuse direction in a PS Audio PWD MKII? I heard arrow pointing from back to front.

Fuse is not easily accessible to roll so just want to confirm.

10-24-12: Edorr
I'm afraid of wasting my time. To me the notion of sound quality difference through directionality of fuses in an AC circuit is as absurd as the notion as the black chassis sounding different than the silver.
Edorr (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
The reason I started this thread is I hear differences in directionality of fuses with components in MY system plus not easy to roll them in PWD. It's very possible you don't hear a difference /and in YOUR system. So you are wasting your time trying to convince others that do hear a difference but thanks for sharing your experiences with the group.
I am not disputing you may hear a difference in a DC circuit.

In response to your question, I am just poining out that based on the laws of physics it is categorically impossible that in an AC circuit there is a difference depending on what you direction you put in your fuse, because the direction of the current itself changes direction 60 times per second.

This is true even it the fuse itself is "directional". Paul McGowan of PS audio has made the exact same argument on the PS audio forum. So far, no one has disputed this, but the argument is made "why not try anyway". To me this defies all logic, but that's just me.
I'm a simple person, I use my ears as the ultimate purchasing decision for audio, eyes for video, taste for food, how I play for golf clubs and tennis rackets ... I have a technical background but frankly most of the time it's not important for me to get stuck in the weeds trying to understand why something works. Life is too short and there are bigger fish to catch.

Fuses are REASONABLE ROI so a no brainer for me. I pick my spots ...

There are so many variables with one's hearing, quality of components ... so not trying to convince anyone and not interested in a debate. It's your $$ and time so use whatever is best to YOU.

I know there are many that likes to play Einstein on Agon so go measure away.
Hearing differences in the directionality of fuses is a feat that deserves great attention because it is likely a rare phenomenon. The world has seen many exceptional human feats and this is certainly one of them. I'm thrilled to be in the presence of someone so unique. It's my true pleasure.

Don't waste that god-given talent...

