ps audio silent server

Has anybody heard anything about the ps audio silent server. From my understanding you can hook it up to the perfect wave dac with the bridge and it will control your music without a computer, any info would be helpful, thanks
This is why it is called a silent server. PS audio is absolutely silent on the server.
Marakanetz, yes I could get the ps audio perfect wave dac with the bridge installed and then stream and store music thru a mac mini, but with the silent source you will not need to use a computer, ( thats what the ps audio website says at least), this is good for me because I would like to eliminate the computer from the setup, thanks
Check out the PS Audio Community Forums, Latest PS Audio Topics.

This question has been asked twice in recent months and Paul McGowan has posted to both threads but has not given even a possibly, maybe, if everything goes well estimate. So I don't think that it will be any time soon.