Musical Fidelity VLink 192 to kw dm 25 dac

Vinyl has been my preferred source for many years and I think I have a really nice setup. Going forward I need to diversify away from vinyl for various reasons. As part of my cd set up I have a 2006 Musical Fidelity kw dm 25 dac. I propose to use my MacAir as a music source with hi res downloads. Hence, MacAir > VLink 192 > MF kw 25 dac. This to my mind requires a minimal investment of under $300 for the VLink 192 + cables
I am a novice at computer audio. How does the 2006 MF kw 25 dac compare to current dacs at or about the $2k mark e.g. Mytek DSD dac or Nad M 51 ? ? Will I be wasting my time going down this road or should I straight away opt for a current model dac ?
Would appreciate advice/comments
The kw 25 dac is unable to read 24/96 or 24/192 hi rez files downloaded from HD Tracks but is ok with 16/44 files. I am using a VLink 192 as a SPDIF converter. I believe others have had similar problems. The Stereophile review and side measurements seem to indicate that this should not occur. Can anyone throw some light on this.
Many thanks
i always believed janson caps to be the best caps you can,
buy except the ultra expense durland mega caps at over $1,000,
I am sure that's a valid comment... not sure what it means...
Have a great New Year