Looking for hi value CD/SACD player...

I think my modified Denon 2910, which has served me well, is dying. I would greatly appreciate suggestions on a replacement in the $1000-$1500 range. Obviously, spending less is OK too but new rather than used. I'd prefer a dedicated CD/SACD player exclusively for 2 channel audio listening. Don't need Blue Ray or multichannel capability. 2 players that I'm considering are the Oppo BDP 95 and Sony's SCD XA5400SE. The Oppo gets high marks on audio but carries video baggage I don't really need. The Sony seems designed for audio but is a bit older than the Oppo. Has anyone compared these? What were your findings? Both have been out for several years now. Is there something newer to consider in this price range? Thanks in advance.
You might consider the Marantz SA8004. Three year warranty helps ease concern of longevity.
I was looking at the Oppo until I found the Cambridge 751. It is essentially the same as the oppo for video but much upgraded on the audio side. I really like being able to plug a hard drive into the oppor or cambridge to avoid changing discs.
For audio only, the Anthem is nice, mcintosh or arcam...
I bought a used Marantz SA-11S2 for about $1500 last year. Sounds absolutely gorgeous on both CD and SACD.