Yea, I'd love to build a pair of the Voight Pipes myself, and was seriously considering it there for a bit. Tom was kind enough to send me some pointers, I'd picked out the Lowthers I wanted to put in them, and I was on the hairy edge of pulling the trigger. Even had a cabinet-maker friend of mine lined up and we were just trying to figure out what variety of solid hardwood to make'em out of and brainstorming about how to sex them up a bit and turn the basic design into something really special and unique. (Well, actually, he spent most of the time making fun of me for my stereo addiction...). Then reality set in. I too live in a one bedroom appartment, fifth floor walk-up, no less. Moreover, going from Thiels (and equipment to drive the hungry mothers) to horns is no small endevour (especially up and down five flights...). Someday, when I have room for a second system, I'll go the horn route. In the meantime, I suppose I can always impose and listen to someone else's, once they arrive....
As for the friend, his wife is very discerning regarding what finds a home in the living room and what doesn't. When she could not only tolerate but actually liked the Abbeys, there was really no question that they were it. Don't matter how good something might sound, if you can't bring it home, won't do you much good.
As for the friend, his wife is very discerning regarding what finds a home in the living room and what doesn't. When she could not only tolerate but actually liked the Abbeys, there was really no question that they were it. Don't matter how good something might sound, if you can't bring it home, won't do you much good.