Preamps built Into DACs

A lot of higher end preamps are also DACs. A lot of guys that buy these high end DACs already have a high-end preamp.

How much money could be saved on a $6k preamp/DAC if the preamp section was removed? In my case, a preamp on a DAC is redundant. I believe the preamp section should be an option on a DAC.

What say you?
They are equally troubling in my mind, and for this reason I have been avoiding them like the plague. However, my ears are telling me otherwise now, and the fact that a number of >$20 DACs use them suggest they can't be all that bad. It is conceivable an well implemented analog VC will elevate performance of such ultra expensive DACs even higher.
Hi Edorr,
I get your point, of the examples you list I`ve heard theWeiss, MSB(diamond stack and fremto clock) and the DCS in direct mode to an amplifier. They just did`nt get it done for me. That`s why I `m not saying you`re wrong but you know what,we just likely hear things differently.

The different make up of our systems is a reflection of how we hear and are drawn to. Not better vs worse just different perspectives.
I don`t feel an aligiance to tube preamps and thus unwilling to embrace the new,not at all.New does`nt always equal improved or better, sometimes it`s just new.

If I ever hear a DAC/VC combination that sounds better I`ll readily admit it, all I want is pure, natural sound and realism in my system.Which ever technology does it best to my ears then that`s the direction I`ll follow.If I find a DAC/VC unit that provides the realistic organic tonality,body and 'breath of life-vitality' that I have with my current preamp I`d gladly jump ship.It has`nt happened so far.
Charles. Fair enough. With the lineup of DACs your listing I can't say you have been skimping on hardware. You got me tempted to try to insert a preamp and give it another try.

Thankfully I don't have any rackspace :) left. Do you still own the Coincident preamp?
Hi Edorr,
You`re very satisfied with your current setup, you may not need a preamp for your needs.
I `ve own my Coincident linestage and their 300b SET amplifier for over 3 years. I plan to keep both for many years to come.The funny thing is my genuine admiration for both 'continues' to increase. I`m fortunate(lucky?) as they`ve led me to pure emotional involvement and musical bliss.
Best Regards,
"Steve, DCS latest gear has an all digital VC. Why would they have moved to all digital if they had a better mousetrap before?"

I believe it was probably abandoned because it is very difficult to implement. It puts another layer of complexity and linearity concerns on top of the architecture.

It has some limitations, such as no ability to go to zero volume. It can go really low, but not zero typically. I dont see this as an issue.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio