PC audio with USB DAC

Hello all:

With my digital library of music expanding to almost 10,000 songs now and the fact that I work at home much of the time, I have the desire to improve my computer audio system.

I tend to use 320Kbps AAC files or mp3 files with a few FLAC files for auditioning.

I have a laptop, so starting from nil. I am a neophyte to computer audio and as such have been reading about USB DACs.

I am ready to upgrade the speakers to a set of decent powered desktop units (Audioengine 5+)and a subwoofer (Audioengine S8)and wanted to start with a USB DAC. I have a small Classe preamp and amp, but don't want to have too many things to turn on at the computer to get good music sound. Please don't consider this slumming, it's a brave new audio world :-)

I decided to acquire the Nuforce Udac2 SE.

The sound is definitely more dynamic. The lows are stronger, the mid range is clearer and the highs are higher to my untrained ears. My problem is around the convenience factor.

A USB DAC doesn't become active until the USB port and the DAC driver are initialized. This simply means that you can't hear boot alerts and such. Not that big a deal I guess for premium sound, but I wondered if anyone had any comments about that.

Also the need for drivers which in my short experience appear to have problems. While I had the Udac2 SE in my system, I found that in the middle of a song, the music would stop and I would get a loud white-noise hiss or popping sound or staticky sound...all disconcerting.

After a couple of days of screwing around and getting aberrant behavior, I returned the Udac2 SE.

I'm sorry this was a long message, but I am very interested in other's experiences and any hints.


I knew that applied for digital coax, was not sure about USB, Steve. I have had recommendations for short-as-possible USB cable from other designers of USB/SPDIF converters. I've skimmed your white paper.
Steve N.,

Reading your summary above, the only items that is not clear to me is the digital cable length. I am having difficulty seeing where a 1.5M cable is more efficient then a .5 M cable in delivery digital content. I am open to the argument but --- I just cannot see where electrons traveling 10M is better then .5M for quality. I am not an audio expert by any means, and am open to a solid justification.

Only other comment -- Fidelizer vs. Foobar or JRiver on a PC -- your thoughts?

Sbleam - the longer cable is required for good performance of ANY digital cable, USB, S/PDIF, Firewire or I2S.

The length requirement has to do with signal reflections, a digital-specific phenomena and issue. Read this white-paper for an analysis:


This has been independently verified through AB/X tests by UHF magazine in Canada.

Now if the cable is less than 8 inches, this is also good, but not very practical.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Thanks for the link to the Benchmark audio setup page. My DAC 1 USB settings were at 48khz. MUCH better at the 96khz. Doohhhhh!
Jsd52756, you're welcome, Wavelength also has a page with setup tips,


and don't forget to also visit Empirical Audio's page link, posted by Audioengr above.