Ayre CDX-7eMP or Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP

I currently have the Ayre CDX-7eMP in my system. I have been looking at the Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP. Is this a sideways move?
The rest of my system consists of Aesthetix Calypso pre, Bel Canto 500 REFm mono's and Usher 8571 speakers. Look forward to your opinions.
"The Bel Canto's have a nice low end. I have read that the Ayre lacks in that department. Do you find this to be true?"

That's a really hard question to answer. There are so many different variables to consider, and most of the are subjective. I'd hate to point you in a wrong direction and have you get something you don't like. The best way to approach this, I think, would be for me to just tell you what I think of the V5 overall. Then, if you want me to go into detail in certain areas, let me know. Also, don't go by just what I think. If at all possible, do some listening.

I can start by saying that I've never heard any other amp like the V5. What makes it so unique, for me, is that it succeeds in doing things that a lot of other equipment makers try to do. No amp I have ever heard, tube or SS, passes as much detail and resolution through it to the speakers as the V5 does. A lot of people say that it's analytical. I don't agree. For all the detail, the amp retains a sense of purity and liquidity that I've only heard from the best tube amps. That's why its so hard to explain how it sounds. I really can't think of anything to compare it to. If you are looking for something forgiving, the V5 is not for you. But even though its not that forgiving, its still a very musical amp. Another quality to note is the imaging. Its incredible. Also, the combination of being fully balanced, 0 feedback and having bipolar output transistors gives the amp a huge sense of dynamic contrast; like when you go from a CD to a record.

As far as bass goes, I don't find it lacking. Its a very powerful amp. That said, its not a Krell or a Bryston. I have never listened to your amp so it wouldn't be fair for me comment on it. There are other amps out there, that I'm sure would take better control of the speakers with regards to low frequencies. I don't believe that most other amps will have the qualities that I mention above. Its a trade off.

I hope that helps. Any questions, just post and I'll try to get back to you with an answer as soon I can.
Thank you for the great insight. I sometimes wonder about generalzations regarding equpment made here on Audiogon. It seems people post a small problem or issue with a particular piece and everybody jumps in on it. By the time the thread has run its course that small issue becomes a monster. (Ayre equipment being very analytical for example)
Anyway, It seems my best bet is to pick up a V5 here and keep my Bel Cantos for a comparison.
Any year of manufacturing I should steer clear or look for in a V5?
Thanks again

Its very difficult to explain how an audio component sounds using words. I don't read reviews any more just for that reason. You can go crazy trying to sort it all out. I've come to realize that the only way to really succeed with audio is to just get as much hands on experience as you can and be honest with yourself. No sense in putting together a system that sounds amazing with classical music and terrible with rock, if that’s what you listen to.

I think its a good idea to get a used V5 to try. Worst case, if you don't like it, it can easily be resold without loosing a lot of money. I'm glad you asked about the production dates. One of the best things about Ayre is the upgrades. The V5's that first came out have been improved many times over so that current production V5's are really current. If you have an older version, you can always send it in to Ayre and they will upgrade it to current status. With your preamp, you need to make sure that you have an M in your serial number. It needs to be at the end and not the beginning. There was a small compatibility issue with your Aesthetix preamp that was fixed with the M version. Its been out for a long time so most V5's you look at will probably be OK. Either way, I would still check with Ayre first just to make sure my info is correct.
I had a EMC 1UP for a few years and really enjoyed it. I replaced it with a entry level Esoteric sacd player. The change was a nice upgrade in soundstage and resolution on redbook plus it played sacds!
The Electro is still fondly remembered for its very natural analog sound.
Hi Montejay,
How are you?
Have you read the Frankenstein review in the december issue of TAS?
Did you ever try the Takatsuki 300b with your amps?
It`s a premium tube for a premium SET amp like the Frankenstein.