Correct way to burn in a new CD/SACD player

Just took deliver of my new Marantz SA 11 today. Have seen where many people suggest you turn it on and let burn in for several hours before actually playing. Don't see anything in my owners manual about this. What's the best/most widely recognized method to help insure the very best sound quality?
Manufacturers do put the important stuff in the manual. 11-29-12: Rok2id
Rok2kid, your statement does not apply to several of the audio manuals I've seen. Some manufacturers are, in my opinion, negligent in this regard and their manuals are much too sparse, especially when considering the cost of the gear. Certain missing specifications are one example that come to mind.
"Or just that the manufacturer is smart enough not to enter an arena of audiophiles with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do than discuss what to me is obvious."
I believe this, Newbee.

FYI, Rogue Audio includes a statement that all their products are sold with 100 hours burnin time.


Your New piece of equipment has two formats, SACD and Redbook CD. You should break the player in by playing both formats equally for a minimum of 100 hours to hear the best music reproduction that this fine player can provide.

I would also suggest that you do not use the stock power cord. I will give you some recommendations if you send a PM. (Yes I have owned the Marantz SA 15, SA 11, SA 8001).

For the contrary posts above relating to "break-in", IMO/E,
Mfgr's do not put it in a manual because as some have stated they like to hear the player mature.

* Some may not have the hearing acuity or the equipment to hear improvement.

* It is not a necessity.
* The unit will not send you running from the room with your ears on fire. (it sounds Okay out of the box).
* Mfgr's are not in the business of telling customers "what or when to tweak their equipment". That is a personal decision best left to the individual.
* If you cannot hear any differences the Mfgr's do not want to be in the position of planting that possibility in your head. Too subjective and none of their business.

Opinions may vary as this is a forum and all points are open to friendly debate.

Hey folks,
Thanks for the good comments. I know I can more than likely just turn it on and listen away. However, I'm down with my speaker system for at least another week or so and I'm supposed to be getting a "break-in" CD from Amazon this coming Monday.
Tom 6897, what have you seen as a problem with the "stock" power cord? Was just sitting, having a cup of coffee with my wife this morning while looking at the "trash" interconnect cables Marantz sent with this "high-dollar" unit. Would you think if they can build the quality of CD player this is supposed to be, they could also spend $2 bucks more for a higher quality cable?
Andy yes, this is the latest "S3" variation. Was able to get a fair deal this past week. Would have been more than happy with a left-over "bronze" colored "S2!"