Experiences with Blu-ray players

I'm starting to build a home theater and am investigating BD players. I could use some stories of experiences others have had.

I'd like to keep good 2-channel capability, but I do have a few multi-channel SACDs so I'd like to be able to play them as well. My 2-channel gear consists of Theta source, Cary preamp, Threshold amplification and Avalon speakers. Given that, I'm thinking that a BD player with analog audio outs and a multi-channel preamp might be best for my particular priorities. My wife would kill me if I brought home the Ayre, so I'm in the sub-$2k realm. The reading I've been doing brings the following manufacturers to mind as having products I could afford and might like:

Oppo: Seems to be the default player for the past couple of years. I like the 7.1 analog audio output and the universality of the transport. The high, generally positive traffic on the various forums seems a good sign, too. I am concerned about it's 2-channel audio performance, though.

Cambridge: Ditto with the 7.1 analog output. A bit more talk about the sound, but less about the video.

Marantz: The 7007 has only two-channel analog out, but 7006 has 7.1 analog audio out.

Arcam: Reliability problems? I haven't experienced any with my Arcam DVD, but I don't own any other Arcam gear, so my experience is limited.
Or get an SACD player that does DSD to analog conversion directly without converting to PCM.

EMM Labs/Playback and I believe dCS have custom built DACs that do this.

I believe the Oppos use DSD capable DACs (off the shelf) as well.
kr4 How does one find the right ones?? I pick my music for the music...I used to try to get it in SACD, but all too often I was disappointed.
Gammajo said

I am concluding that the only way to hear SACD, even two channel SACD is with a Player that plays SACD, connect via HDMI to a precessor that accepts HDMI, not a preamp

Kr4 can correct me, but you can play stereo SACD from an SACD player through the analog, not the digital, output connected to a pre-amp. If you want 5.1 SACD, that is a different story - it is available only through digital HDMI output to a digital processor.

Not quite. Multichannel SACDs can be played using a Playback MPS5 and a cascade of MPD-5 DACs via the Playlink chain.

Using 1 MPS5+1 MPD5 gives you a 4.0 channel playback from a 5.1 source. Using 1MPS5+2MPD5 gives you 5.1 channel playback.

In the "cascade" you refer to, how are the MPS5 and the MPD-5 DAC(s) hooked up?

Whatever the answer, it sounds like an expensive proposition.