I currently own a CD player EMM labs XDS1.
I would like to change, what better and reliable? Whatever of the price.

thank you
At the level you're at now, the question is not what is better as much as what is different and more to your taste. What don't you like about the EMM Labs player? Do you care about SACD playback capability or just CD? Some of the candidates you'll see suggested should include the Playback Designs and Esoteric units, but until we know what you're looking for we can't make informed suggestions.
Esoteric P/D02.

Find Fcrowder; he made the leap from the EMM to the Esoteric.
Depending on what you do not like about your unit the Ayon CD5s may be worth an audition - Rock solid reliable and really refined yet exciting sound. I preferred to the Meridian 808.3