Meridian 508.24 Service

I have a Meridian 508.24 that is skipping, and I am trying to find someone to service it - anywhere in the US would be fine. I can not get any information out of Meridian.
I owned a 508.24 but sold it years ago. When I first got it I was thrilled with its sound quality but cd has vastly improved. I found a Rega Apollo has superior pace as the 508.24 is indeed boring by modern standards. I now used a Sim Moon which is altogether superior to the508.24. Thus unless you can get the meridian fixed cheaply it's not worth the money
I have tried unsuccessfully a few months ago to get my 508.20 repaired. It won't read the TOC on any CD I put in it , just keeps trying to load. From what I understand, the lasers go and it's unlikely to find another one. I tried to two local shops here in Portland, OR. Good luck.
After some Internet research, I found the following contact for Meridian repairs:

Marc Koval at:
Marc Koval
The Repair Shop

I have never used The Repair Shop. I suggest you give him a call.
I used The Repair Shop to repair both my 598 & G68. They both work great now. I also had Mark install a LPS 60 Watt power supply in my G68 that makes it sound much better. I would recommend anyone with Meridian equipment to replace the original PS. Both of my pieces needed repair because the PS went bad.
I've listened to about 100 cd players since the 80's andn Meridian 508.24 is close to top of list..
Don't let anyone tell you different