Bricasti M1 USB

I just picked up the Bricasti DAC a couple of weeks ago. Hands down, it's top notch. I'd been using the Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 mkii since 1995 or so. And I still think the SF is a great DAC. But the Bricasti is, well, something special.

I've demoed the Weiss 202 Firewire, Aesthetix Pandora and MSB Analog DAC and the Platinum Signature. The MSB Platinum Sig (at $23K) was great... but it wasn't another $14K better than the Bricasti, at least for my wallet. The MSB Analog DAC was incredible but I liked the Bricasti better. It had a presence and presentation that just seemed right to me. Granted, when I compared the MSB and Bricasti, I was listening on a unfamiliar system, albeit very high-end... Constellation pre/power amp and Magico Q3s.

When I got the Bricasti in my system I was thrilled. I've got Cary 211AE monoblocks, Cary SLP-98 Pre, Vivid B1 speakers, Organic and Nordost cables.

I had the Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 mkii for 15+ years and I could happily live with the Bricasti for the next 15 years.
I've read that the Bricasti reacts well with aftermarket accesories (cables, fuses, power cord) can you confirm this? or its just placebo effect?
First thing you have to do with the M1 is replace the switching power supply with the new linear one. The upgrade was transformative. Any hint of glare that it had before was completely removed.

I subsequently replaced the fuses with Hi-Fi Supreme. This made a noticeable improvement as well. When I was done with the upgrades I actually changed my preferred filter settings from MP2 to MP0.

still loving your M1? I just got scheduled for a demo of the MSB Analog DAC, should have it soon. I am also trying a 30-day trial of the exaSound e20 DAC. I auditioned the M1 at the RMAF and was impressed; perhaps I should attempt to get an in-home demo of it?