"Simple supply and demand."
that's what they said after katrina and sandy when they charged $10 for gas.
Well, I don't pretend to understand the economics of the gas situation after Katrina, but I do know that they've quit making the Squeezebox and that a lot of people still want it. Plus, I don't think there will be a public outcry over retailers charging $750 for a Squeezebox. It's not exactly a necessity.
01-19-13: Swampwalker
"Simple supply and demand."
that's what they said after katrina and sandy when they charged $10 for gas.
Swampwalker (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I like option in getting rather than NO supplies at all even at a higher price.
You should have seen the gouging after Hurricane Andrew. Hundreds of small time entrepreneurs along US 1 ready to help their fellow man for a fat price. Of course news reports said local politicians were outraged over this conduct, the same politicians that had been stealing everything they could stuff into their pockets and bank accounts for years.