Good primer for using XLD?

I am getting ready to delve into a computer-based set up with a Mac Mini and (as yet to be determined) DAC. I have read that XLD is the way to go for importing the files into the computer. I have it on my iMac, but am not 100% clear on how to best rip and then store the files. Can someone point me to a good primer/explanation of how to best use XLD? Thanks much! -Jon
Jonathan --

This might help:
Thanks, much, Rhanson--I actually saw that one; was just seeing what else is out there.
There's a new XLD download.....things are different.... version 20130127. Anyone know how to set this one up?? Mac Mountain Lion.
This is what I do. I'm not an expert so don't hold me to this, but I hope someone finds it useful.

Output format: FLAC
I left all the defaults, including compression level to "Normal". I think I left everything else at default values.

Load CD, then:
File -> Open Audio CD

Once loaded:

Get Metadata - I look at the options that come up, often trying several of them. Usually at least one of them is good.

Edit Metadata - if the metadata is not to my liking or if it didn't come up with anything, I will edit it. This can be tedious but I don't have to do it very often.

Cover art - if it is not to my liking or if it didn't come up with anything, I will search the web for cover art (usually Allmusic or Amazon), download it and drag and drop it to the cover art area. This is a nice feature.

Extract - choose the folder to extract to. I organize the folders by artist, then subfolders for each album.

Finally, check the log for errors, and you're done.