Now That You've Ripped Your Entire Collection...


So, you've ripped your entire collection of CDs to the hard drive, and you're blissfully streaming music for hours without having to fetch the silver discs. Everything was transferred with 'bit perfect' perfection.

What did you do with your collection of physical media?

If you've kept the CD collection, why?

If you got rid of the collection, why?, and what did you do with it?

Trying to make a decision here.
I've kept mine, partly because of the odd copyright law in the UK. Here it is legal to rip CDs you have bought, but you have to then keep them. If you get rid of them, the rip breaches copyight law. I don't think that applies in the US.
Mine are all boxed up in the basement. I am a bit bereft without the daily chore of ripping another 20 or 30 cds, it gave my dull boring existense some meaning, only kidding
A lightning strike, fire or robbery could take out all your hard drives.

If you're going to sell them, I'd do it now. I don't think they are going to appreciate in value.
You folks are burying CDs, like others, in the past, buried the LP. Mark Twain comes to mind.