Romulus CD player--

Anyone have any experience with the above product, and or input regarding same?
Thats a good question about the tubes to roll to in the Romulus,However, I do not understand why people buy a tube product and attempt to get this so called none tuby sound, why not buy a solid state player?, If I buy a tube product, It better sound like one!, If it does not, It will be gone!, I already went the route of a tube product that had over resolving powers, did not sound like a tube product at all, needless to say, see ya!, that's what happened to that player, LOL!, I believe that the old adage of solid state tring to sound like tubes, and tubes tring to sound like solid state is sinceless!, tubes should sound like tubes, solid state should sound like solid state!
Yup, really great toobs never hurt anything, except maybe the pocketbook. 8^)
An update;

guys, this is the one to beat (no pun). I did get some time w/ this player and feel that it is better than the ARC CD9.

Associated gear- Aesthetix Calypso signature pre-amp/ Atlas power amp on Vandy Treo and Quattro speakers.
Silent Source and Signal Cable(s).
Jafant, which model did you get time with, the signature model, or the standard model Romulas?