Romulus CD player--

Anyone have any experience with the above product, and or input regarding same?
Yup, really great toobs never hurt anything, except maybe the pocketbook. 8^)
An update;

guys, this is the one to beat (no pun). I did get some time w/ this player and feel that it is better than the ARC CD9.

Associated gear- Aesthetix Calypso signature pre-amp/ Atlas power amp on Vandy Treo and Quattro speakers.
Silent Source and Signal Cable(s).
Jafant, which model did you get time with, the signature model, or the standard model Romulas?
Well the Romulus has had time for the upgraded Signature parts to burn in. The Vishay TX2575 Z Foil resistors, Dynamicaps, and the stellar Jupiter Copper foil caps. The music is even more engaging and inviting.

Anyone with the standard unit would be well served to make these upgrades if they are handy or have a tech who will do it for a reasonable cost. The parts I used are listed here;

4 Jupiter copper foil .22uf caps
8 Dynamicaps 4uf
4 Vishay TX 2575 Z Foil resistors 36 ohm .... These are special order direct from Texas Instruments. All 4 cost $60 shipped and took a week.

Last thing I will do is place a Star Sound Sistrum Apprentice rack under the player. I get it Monday!

Unfortunately, your "Signature" upgrade doesn't allow you to hear how good a Signature Romulus/Pandora sounds with DSD files.

BTW, a Romulus/Pandora with the VC needs more than just the .22uf coupling caps.