Allnic 5000DAC

Did anyone see the latest review in Stereophile. John Atkinson said it was the worst specs he had ever measured for a digital dac. I don't go wholly by specs, but even the frequency response was ragged and way over the map on this dac.
I usually go by sound but based just on these specs I wouldn't put this unit on my long list for a listen.
Another perplexing view - junk on the bench, fabulous in the listening room.
+1 Zavato, you just have to judge via listening.If it doesn't sound right you'll know. If it sounds wonderful to you, that's the bottom line.
This is one of those times ignorance may be just a little blissful :-) I was one of those kids who was decent at writing in school, but terrible at math. Now, I see frequency graphs and charts and specs and it all looks like advanced nuclear physics to me LOL. I just don't understand any of it. Because of my limited cranial capacity, I have to judge equipment based on how it sounds and if it makes me happy, not based on specs. I'm jealous of all you engineers who understand all that stuff, really I am.
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