Bel Canto dac 3.5VB vs 47 lab progression gemini

I'm thinking of buying a Bel Canto dac 3.5vb II with the top of the line power supply and power cord. My current dac is a 47 lab progression gemini. I like the progression gemini a lot but is 7-8 years old now and technology does move on.... Has anyone here compared the two?
Not sure you'll find someone to directly compare these two, so I'll chime in that I auditioned the BC DAC 3.0VB in my system and it was outstanding. I actually got to compare VB and non-VB versions and the power supply makes a huge difference and I view it as mandatory FWIW. The sound was neither warm nor overly detailed but rather just exceedingly natural and transparent in that it sounded both very neutral yet very refined. It was a cameleon that just went with whatever type of music or recording I threw at it, and there was not one thing I would've changed about its sonics. Read the reviews of the 3.5VB -- it gets favorably compared to some of the best and most expensive DACs on the market, so it seems pretty unlikely you'll be disappointed although there's always the question if there may be a better choice for your particular tastes. Anyway, hope this helps at least a little and best of luck.
Thanks for your reply. This is a difficult decision for me. The 47 lab gemini progression has many good qualities. Great prat, it's very musical, fast transients, and had a decent sound stage. How they got so much out of such a minimalist design is kind of mind boggling. It's still offered for sale by 47 labs but lack of any recent reviews makes it hard to compare to newer products.
The minimalist design if well executed is a major reason for high quality sound. Pure and natural sound from a simple circuit with fewer parts(but of good quality). This approach stands the test of time. You "may" not find the Bel Canto necessarily an improvement.