DAC improvements slowing down?

24/192 optical in
24/96 USB

It seems like those two figures would be the highest values most supposedly audiophiles need to have capable.

Beyond that how are DACs going to be a game changer? Most sources are regular CDs and streaming audio, no SACD for 99% of us supposedly audiophiles.

I read that people recommend using an external DAC as the technology is constantly improving but have we hit the point of diminishing returns or is there a good argument for using an External DAC still?
Scvan - I see your point, but all I have to do is think back to my first PC with it's 16k of ram and 10 Mbyte hard drive - who could possibly want more than that :-)

Once they get quatum computers on everyone's wrist our view of the "digital audio world" will change dramitically!

Just maybe not in my lifetime :-)

are recent advances in jitter reduction really an improvement over my old genesis digital lens? (limited to 16/44)?

I suppose so, but I suspect the limit in sound will come from the speakers. The information being fed into the speakers will be much better than that coming from the electronics side.
The next big improvement in digital audio will come from really hi-end DSPs with software that will have potentially infinite band EQ's with both frequency, phase and SPL adjustment. That will be allowed because of the advances in computers. The DAC will just be part of that. In the future all music will be stored digitally (which is really is now).