Tidal HiFi Streaming?

Tidal just launched in October at $19.99/mo. They claim to ONLY steam at 44.1kHz/16 bit (1411kbs) so it is CD quality. Has anyone signed up for this? Is Tidal the way to go or Deezer? And, what would I need to start the service- I have WiFi or hardwire option, an iPad- would I need a laptop? External DAC? Sorry to ask so many questions but it's an exciting service, especially if I can save files to my hard drive. Rather than invest in an upgraded FM radio, this seems the way to go.
I did Tidal for a short time but I listen to mainly classical and film music.
If I had a list of 10 albums Tidal typically would have only 2 or 3 of them while Spotify would have 8 or 9. Also the Tidal search function is really bad. Yes it sounds nice but so does Spotify Premium. I cancelled Tidal. I ran Tidal and run Spotify from a laptop to an external dac over a USB cable. Sounds great. I am waiting for Quobuz to come to the US
I've had Tidal since the first day it was available. LOVE IT!

I don't listen to classical and have found almost everything I've ever searched for.

FANTASTIC sound quality too.
Tidal is adding new content daily. Downloading the player is better than webplay. Crowded bandwith but still early. So far, pretty INCREDIBLE.