Ps audio manufacturer states that it has an internal pramp on this dac.

I wonder if the mk2 gives better results with is own internal preamp or adding an external preamp could give better results? Are anyone had a chance to make the comparison?

Thank you!
I had a Perfectwave DAC MKII and tried it direct into my amp. I preferred to have the preamp in. At that time a had a Parasound P5 preamp. I decided to upgrade and purchased a Parasound JC2 preamp and PS Audio Directstream DAC. I tried the Directstream direct into the amp and strongly preferred the sound. As a matter of fact I sold the JC2.
I second Ricred1's comments. I was using an Audio Research LS-25 with the PWD Mk II, it definitely sounded better that way. Now with the DirectStream it's more of a toss up. For me the big difference was the PWD had a rather high output requiring me to run the volume in the 40-60 range which was compromising the sound. With the DirectStream the overall output level is down slightly plus there is an option for an additional 20 dB of attenuation. This works great with sources that vary in their output. The DirectStream also has a much larger bit depth and you can lower the volume to 50 (maybe less) without any loss of data, on the PWD it was more like a volume setting of 70 where there was data loss.
Great responses so far. The preamp/direct question seems to be one of those things that can be very unpredictable and influenced by impedance matching and many other factors. I'm willing to bet that the MKII > Amp can be bettered by a very, very fine preamp but in my situation it's not a margin I'm willing to pay $5-10k to explore.