Tidal vs. Spotify

Tidal sounds better for sure. Search functions aren't as good as Spotify but if you are currently using Spotify, give Tidal a try and let me know what you think!
Okay. You convinced me. If I install Chrome on my Mac, how do I tell Tidal to use Chrome and not Safari?
You just launch Chrome instead of Safari as the web browser.
Then go to Tidalhifi.com. Tidal will automatically know.
As suggested, I installed Chrome on my Mac and then installed Tidal. I cannot believe it. The sound quality is very good. I am still experimenting with different artists, etc. Based on results so far, it is easily worth $20 per month. Yes, it is a little slow to load the music but this is no problem. Thanks again for your suggestions.
I have both and will keep both.

My wife shares Spotify playlists with her friends and enjoys it on her iPad.

I have Spotify & Tidal on my Autonomic MMS-5A music server, the app on my iPad is OK, so I use their web clients to configure my "favorites".

The sound quality is definitely better on Tidal. I find both apps to be good enough to find enjoyable music. But on my high-end audio system, I use Tidal.
Guys... IE is a HOG and is the reason why your computer
is sooo slow when you are on line (that and malware, long
story). DITCH IE.... (Sorry Bill. You know its bad).
Chrome is lean and not as mean (as IE) and free and easy
and much faster (MUCH faster and much more compatible
with web sites).

BUT, you can download Tidals player or use ickstream.

The best way to run tidal is via ickstream, next
downloaded tidal program, lastly streaming via browser
due to bandwith bottlenecks in all three places (their
server, your server, your puter). Its 2015! Get a
better web browser!