I've been a Spotify user for about a year now, runs great, never goes down, no issues. I was hesitant to pay $20 for Tidal, but finally went for it. After 2 weeks, I've cancelled Tidal. I'm using the Tidal app on a computer with plenty of power and ram, on a broadband ethernet connection, and it's just one hang-up after another, one "invalid track" error after another. Closing and re-starting doesn't help. I've had almost as many days that I couldn't enjoy it as days that I could. Granted, the sound quality is superb, but the promise of great sound quality doesn't help when all you're getting is silence and "invalid track" errors on every album I pull up. If they get their act together, I'll sign back up, but at this point it feels like I'm paying to be a beta tester.