Upgrades to UHD Blu-Ray

Specificall, can we expect a new Oppo 105+ ?
I love my Panasonic G15 plasma! I was so bummed to learn they are no longer making that technology. From the "viewing" I've done at Best Buy and HH Gregg, I do not like LED at all, and 4K looks so vivid it's almost cartoon-like, not natural at all like my G15 plasma. I hope you can adjust those 4K sets to a more natural, lifelike presentation, since they are the future and one day my G15 will die.
Thx Sc53. I remember all those Bly-Ray samples for the sales floor demos. Especially cartoons. All just designed to 'wow'.
Now I have adapted to BluRay quality via HDMI to our upper end plasmas; and I now find DVD's picture quality lacking! Whereas I can still remember first seeing a DVD on whatever was then top line TV, Steven Segal flick on a boat. Girl jumped out of cake,etc--and I almost never remember movies..
I think 4K is stunning, as it should be, but i"m still satisfied with BluRay on my panny for now. I expect "8k" is not far off and then I think it will be like the airline industry- comfort similar in all top models. No going to 4 wings or 6 engines, it flies as is. I think much of the annoying unnaturalness was due to adjustments of brightness, color saturation or hue, contrast etc.