Need opinion with new cd player purchase

Hi I have a older(15yrs old) Roksan Caspian cdp which has become problematic. I'm looking at buying a new player which could be another Caspian but locally there is Cambridge and Naim that I could try to name a couple. In house trials with the dealer for some reason can be hard to arrange. So my question is which one of these two or any other player would have similar warmth, presentation that the Caspian has? I would have to buy on line to get a new Roksan and I'm thinking of spending 3k.any opinions would be greatly appreciated !

Thx Randy
From hanging around here for a number of years, I just don't think you're going to find many (if any) who have actual experience with Roksan CD players. They just don't seem to be very popular for whatever reason. I think both Cambridge and Naim are very nice players and you should definitely check out the Naim CD5X, which I think is somewhere near 3K. Bring the Roksan with you and compare side-by-side at the dealer. Also, while I know you don't want to spend the money, at least audition the 5X with the flatcap outboard power supply. It really makes a big difference and you can save up for it later if you need to. But at least hear it with the PS. Best of luck to you.
I would highly consider the OPPO 105 ($1200) It uses the ESS Saber Dacs. Also it has Balanced and un balanced audio outs, plus it is a universal player! Then you can always upgrade it for $2500 (the truth Mod by Modwright Instruments adds tubed output stage and tubed separate power supply). Then you would have a player that would sound like a $10,000 player. This player is one of the best buys in audio today!