Considering Bricasti and Lampizator

I'm looking for a new DAC in the sub 10k range (used). After reading about several options here and elsewhere, the ones I find most intriguing are the Bricasti M1 and the Lampizator Big 7.

Has anyone directly compared these two great DACs? If you have: any thoughts about the differences, and which you preferred?

Just to throw a few talking points out there, here are a few things which make me a bit shaky about each option:

Bricasti M1:

Introduced in late 2011, so it's 3.5 years into its life cycle. Can it really hang with more recent offerings? Is a newer model coming soon?

Lampizator Big 7:

A dizzying array of options (caps, DSD, tube rolling, ...). Is this really the way off the merry-go-round?

Lack of stability in their product line, with new models and options coming out continuously. How does this affect resale value?
The Bricasti M1 has had some upgrades along the way, including DSD64 and DSD128 capability, among other improvements. A realistic evaluation should be done with a current unit. Other reviews, including by publications that reviewed the earlier version, are coming.
Two great DACS and two totally different DACS. Two totally different companies and totally different approaches that both sound fantastic!

One is SS and one is Tubes.

One is USA made in the biotech/high Tech rich area of Massachusetts and the other from a former USSR soviet union eastern block partner in Poland.

The Bricasti M1 is not long in the tooth at all not even remotely close its just a different model and one based on the owner / purchaser. There is a big difference and one that should be clearly noted especially to a potential buyer. Bricasti chooses to constantly upgrade and improve their current model DACs rather than releasing new ones. It would be very easy for such a gifted company that owns their own multi-million dollar CNC milling machinery to come out with new models. Heck, from an ability standpoint just look at their other product offering. The Model 7 Reverb Processor. They flat out make the worlds best Reverb Processor. Well at least that's what those who know more than I say. I make this note because everything else written here is my opinion so I want footnote that as its based on what I have heard / read others say. I am sure the DAC in this unit has a lot to do with what makes this unit so incredible. Bricasti has chosen to do something different. Rather than just coming out with new models to make more money they support and evolve their current unit and offers these improvements to their owners for dirt cheap. That is why you only see one pop up used every now and again because it is always getting such fantastic sound quality improvements people keep them. When he not that long ago released the addition of the minimum phase filters and the upgraded digital liner power supply it changed the DAC entirely. Heck they could have tweaked some parts,specs re-milled a new case and popped a new name on it and bam sold a ton. Not what they are trying to. They offered the digital linear power supply upgrade to owners for $150.00. You couldn't buy the parts for that but he could because he bought in bulk. Who else is doing that??
I considered both DACs you are considering. Either way you go you are going to get a terrific sounding DAC.

FSmith, what is all tbis USSR stuff?

Ploand ALWAYS hated the USSR and that is why Lech Walensa could lead the Solidarity free trade union to wrest Poland from Soviet domination. Poland STILl does not get along with Russia. They suffered at the hands of the Nazis and later the Soviets and so want no part of either.
FSmith, If you are also going to go by what the "experts" say, then listebn to Bruce Brown of Puget Sound who recoirds exclusively in DSD. It is the best DSD playback he has heard and he only heard the L4 DSD only Dac.

Lukasz does not need to upgrade power supply as every Lampi has an outrageously overspeed Linear Power supply. it is his hallmark and a main ingredient of the lampi sound. What gets upgraded is feature set like DSD256 (which not many dacs have). DSD128 is already standard from lampi and was from the start.

Quite frankly, you have not heard the potential of a Big7 as you would have to own one for a while and do extensive tube roll to achieve perfect sysnergy with the rest of your system. I see you are changing amps, as you old ones are too warm. With a Big 7, you would likely just have to roll in a pair of the white ceramic 101ds DHTs and use a GZ34 metal base rectifier. Lampi with volume control is a world class preamp.

Me personally, I have 10 pairs of DHTs and 11 rectifiers to play with (I am lucky to have a tube guy close by that sells vintage tubes at bargain basement prices). I have 6A3, 2A3, 6b4g, 101d WE and Psvane, 45 triodes (ST and Globes), CX301, but no 300b nor VT52. For rectis I have 5U4g, 5R4, gz37, GZ34, U52, 5Y3, 5V4g, type 80 and 83v. Immense permutations here and loads of fun.

The end game though is to find combinations that fit music genres best, while maintaining maximum system synergy.
Briscasti sounds like a good product, so I will not make any comments on it and if someone chooses that route, they will likely be contented too.
Typos galore. Sorry

overspecced power supply...

I hate aggresive autocorrect. loL