Tube for aesthetix pandora / romulus


I own an aesthetix pandora dac and i am thinking of upgrading its tubes:
- 2 E83CCS or 12AX7
- 2 6922 (6DJ8)

I have been advised to get mullard, siemens or telefunken nos valves

I don't know anything about tubes...

Would you have recommendation? Advises? Tips? Good tubes sellers?

Thanks and regards
You can call Aesthetix and they can provide selected current production tubes, or you can call Vintage Tube Services if you want to try NOS tubes. Vintage Tube Services is the NOS tube dealer recommended to me by Aesthetix. They did a great job on NOS tubes for me with my Aesthetix Calypso and Rhea.
Big fan of Brent Jessee who is very knowledgeable seller of tubes. On 6922, i have owned/own: JAN Phillips, Sovtek, Mullard, Amperex, Telefunkens. My personal favorites for even-keeled mellifluous music making are Amperex and Telefunken. The Amperex a bit more old-world, the Telefunken a bit more modern sounding...more 'straight up' detail. Neither inexpensive. Mullards also great and cost less. JAN Phillips fantastic for the money but super-microphonic...use an EAT tube damper with them so you dont get microphony (echos/vibration sensitive). Sovtek like bathtub gin...rough, not for me.
Jim at Aesthetix uses the best easily obtainable tubes and that is Russian. They however are not the best sounding. If you want a more natural sound you have to tube roll. In my system I like Mullard's and Amperex.

The tubes I've settled on are Mullard 12ax7 goal posts, either halo or square getter. These are from the late 50's.
And Telefunken E88CC (6922). If you can find Telefunken E188CC they might be even better.

I am going to try Amperex Holland D-foil getter 12ax7 soon as an experiment.

PS: I did not like the Telefunken 12ax7 or the USA Amperex 7308. These comments only apply to Aesthetix as these tubes could be ideal in other applications.
04-04-15: Ctsooner
I have been a tube owner for years and years and have gone with tubes from the manufacturer every time. They match them and know what sounds best. Often they will have a signature line (Jim White knows what tubes he feels are best and puts them in his sig series). I've heard people put different tubes in my gear or other gear and it may change the sound a bit, but a few times I felt it hurt the sound. If you decide to tube roll, I wish you luck as it will cost you a lot and you may or may not even like what it does. JMHO and there will be at least ten others who will say I am wrong,
IMHO, DEAD wrong!

Companies realize 99.99999...% of customers will roll so they don't bother using rare NOS for stock. Plus they probably don't have enough inventory to support a product line. Of course there are exceptions such as Shindo ...

I agree rolling tubes can get expensive this is a hobby and for me, it's part of the enjoyment.