Lumin D1, has anyone heard it?

I was sort of thinking about buying the Lumin D1. However in that price range there are many more options. Like Linn Majik DS, Naim ND5xs etc.

Has anyone here compared them, and how do they compare to a separate stream Like Aurelic Arie + DAC?

I know that the D1 is a scaled down version of my A1.
I haven't heard the D1, so I don't know how close it comes to the A1.

I will tell you this, my A1 is so much better than my previous $24k CD player that I'm still shaking my head nine months later.
Thank you for your post. Between the A1 and the D1 is the T1. Personally I am hoping to find a good deal on a secondhand T1.

First I was a bit hesitant about a 1 box (dac+steamer) solution. But the Lumin line seems really good. I did look at the Linn streamers but for some reason they never appealed to me.

We have tested over 60 different digital front ends from $50K and down. Three manufactures stood out for sounding toe tapping musical and not sounding digital. Total dac with the Total dac server and a very expensive AES cable in-between the 2 pieces to get them to communicate with each other. Total dac was very nice but cost after shipping, exchange and duty is $17000 for one of the less expensive Total Dac and server set ups.

I own an audio distribution company in Canada and occasionally people come over to hear my set up. I personally now run a Lumin A1 and a D1 server with their built in dacs. I set up the A1 for people at the $6000-$7000 range and the D1 for people under $3000.00. First of all I want to say that after 6 months of use, the Lumin product has worked flawless. I even accidentally unplugged my power on the server and it was back up and playing in less than one minute later. The Lumin app is spectacular, no tech support needed. The Lumin in my opinion, is the most simple server to set up that I have experienced.

Now let's talk sound; When you test as much digital as we have, you come the conclusion that dacs that are super expensive are really about system matching. Same goes for digital cables. We tested the Lumin A1 and D1 using their own dacs and then added several outboard reference dacs to the 2 servers to hear the difference. Our conclusion was, there was no outboard dacs that were better in our reference system than the Lumin own dacs at their respected price point. Truth be told I have heard dacs costing 2-3 times more that were not in the same league as Lumin's own dacs. We believe that one reason for this conclusion was because when you add the outboard dac, you are adding jitter and a digital cable in the scenario. We also added a reclocker and this helped but the Lumin was still better just doing it's own thing. Where you can make huge gains with the Lumin product is adding a product like Core Power technology balanced power cord on the power supply. I went from liking the Lumin, to being shocked at how good this all in one unit could sound. Is my A1 with CPT cord as good as my previous Total dac set up; slightly different flavors but with my reference system, they are darn close.

With all good things there is bad and the Lumin is no different. The Lumin is not a stand a loan dac and you cannot plug any other devices into it. You must upgrade the stock power cable. It must be directly plugged into your router. They need a real 250 hours of play to open up but 500 hours is better. The D1 unit needs some sort of isolation but the A1 is already isolated properly.

If you can get past these things than this is a world class digital device at an incredible price. Is it a TT, no but we are getting very close. I would also say that anyone that is looking at a $3000-$4000 dac, should really look at the D1 and add a CPT cord with some isolating cones.

For the record, I just plug my hard drive and USB stick directly into my Lumins but they do sell a matching NAS set up, that works off the same Lumin app.


worldwidewholesales29 posts05-01-2016 3:37pm

We have tested over 60 different digital front ends from $50K and down. Three manufactures stood out for sounding toe tapping musical and not sounding digital. Total dac with the Total dac server and a very expensive AES cable in-between the 2 pieces to get them to communicate with each other. Total dac was very nice but cost after shipping, exchange and duty is $17000 for one of the less expensive Total Dac and server set ups.

I own an audio distribution company in Canada and occasionally people come over to hear my set up. I personally now run a Lumin A1 and a D1 server with their built in dacs. I set up the A1 for people at the $6000-$7000 range and the D1 for people under $3000.00. First of all I want to say that after 6 months of use, the Lumin product has worked flawless. I even accidentally unplugged my power on the server and it was back up and playing in less than one minute later. The Lumin app is spectacular, no tech support needed. The Lumin in my opinion, is the most simple server to set up that I have experienced.

How about S1?   Extra cost over A1 justify?

Have you compare L1 to generic NAS?