Considerations when buying older CD player

I'm seeking some input from folks in the know about CDP transports, repairs, etc.

Suppose one is looking at buying an older CD player -- let's say, just to pick one I've checked out -- that we are talking about the Naim CDX. Now, suppose further that I read up on it and learn, to quote from the Stereophile review:

"Based on Philips CD7 parts and components, the CDX features a Philips VAM 1205 transport. An SAA 7376 servo-controller chip controls the transport, converts what the laser "sees" into digital data, and performs error correction."

Is this good news or bad news? Simply put, if one buys a used Naim CDX and it poops out, are replacement parts -- transport and laser and all the rest of the stuff that might break -- likely to be available, or is one left with a useless, and not inexpensive, piece of junk?

(Note to those who'd write to say that thinking about CD players is yesterday's news, that I ought to be into streaming and computer audio and high res and all the rest: I've been doing all of that for years now. But that's not my question. My question, for which I'd love an answer from someone who knows and understands, is how to know if one is buying a CDP that can be fixed when it conks out, which it eventually will.)

Thanks very much.

Warm regards,

-- Howard
Post removed 
I would buy new. I had a really nice TEAC PDH600 that sat for a year or so and was ready to sell it for a fair price only to have a channel to go out when I tested it before finalizing the sale. It seems that not only drawers or sleds go bad.

All the best,
7 years ago I traded-in my Monarchy cd-ld transport for Fender Deluxe guitar amp with no regrets.
I'd buy a really well built player to be used as a transport and invest the real money into a DAC. As DACs keep becoming obsolete, you can replace or upgrade them while sticking with a solid transport. Personally, I'd pick up a great universal player as the transport to make sure that all of your discs can be read properly.
in my humble opinion,go on the site called Vintage Knob, read about the top of the line vintage CD players.
Remember that the cd optical reading system principles have not changed in the last 20 years, but manufacturers have made them lighter and cheaper . As an example, I have a vintage Sony CDP-X7ESD, which weighs 40 pounds has two Burr brown chips(just got those upgraded),and is built like a tank. In order to get the same quality of build and sound, with today cd players, you probably need to spend upward of 5000-6000$. Why Sony:they did invent the process in cooperation with Phillips. And Accuphase still use the Sony Cd Optical reader system from Sony.
Lastly, there are rumours that a new DSD system is being perfected, and would be on the market in the next few months, with sound as good as vinyl! Just rumours!