Sony - What were you thinking?

I was very excited upon hearing about Sony's new Hi-Rez players especially that they "convert all formats to DSD".
Unfortunately, they don't accept analog input from, say, vinyl!
This is so unwise and a show-stopper for me.
It would be so cool to have a one box solution to digitize my collection of vinyl and tapes.
Now P.S. Audio has something that looks interesting...
Dweller, you clearly do not understand what the HAP-Z1ES is intended to do. It's a dedicated networked hard drive digital player. In order for it to operate you need a separate computer for sourcing audio files and the Sony supplied software for transferring those files to the HAP-Z1ES. The transfer can be done either via WiFi or ethernet. The benefit of this approach is that you do not have to have the computer in the same room with your audio system, you're not relying upon your WiFi network to play back music and you don't have to setup or maintain a network drive.

If you want to digitize your vinyl you could use something like the PS Audio NuWave, your computer and appropriate record/edit software. You could then transfer the audio file to the HAP-Z1ES.

Do you criticize DAC's for not having analog inputs? Not having any digital outputs -- that's a legitimate criticism!
Bean counters should count beans and not try to be leaders (unless they're leading other bean counters) because they generally don't know a hill of beans about being creative thinkers (unless they're creatively counting beans which is frequently illegal).
I think this piece was part and parcel of their major hi-res download strategy. I don't think this was a poorly conceived product. I think they knew exactly what they wanted to accomplish with its launch.

The question is -- did they guess right? Time will tell. Had they provided a digital in, I'd probably already own one. As it is, I will wait to see how the hi rez download market matures. It is just not there yet in my estimation.
Onhwy61: Clearly Sony does not have a clue as to what I want.
I want products that make my life EASIER!
I don't want to deal with computer babble or technical mish-mash.
I'm not trying to impress my geek friends with technical prowess or dazzle them with how many hoops I can jump through merely to listen to improved sound.
I thought Sony got this and was providing something to simplify the process.
-They didn't.
Dweller, My guess is that Sony miscalculated how many of us feel as you do. I don't have time to mess with building a computer system now. If I could use the HapZ1 in conjunction with a CD player, I would go ahead and get one. As it is, I already have an extensive music collection, and the HI res download market is immature and expensive. Do the math again sony!