Best older universal for CD playback??

I am wondering if anyone has compared the universal players below for CD playback sound and what were your observations. I am trying to stick with one machine verses one for DVD and one for CD but that can be tough I cannot afford the newer units and to me many are hyper detailed and not what I am looking for. I have heard the DVD 7001 and DVD 3800 and thought the Denon was warmer. Probably the ALPHA processing. I had that on my Denon 1650AR I had for 9 years and it did make it more musical and analog. Thanks
Marantz DV 7001,DV 9500,DV 9600
Denon DVD 3800,DVD 3910,DVD 3800BD,DVD 2930ci
The list is of units that run $200- $400 and play almost everything I can afford that and no more. Times are beyond tough $$ wise. I have the 7001 ($799 new) and when I bring in an old Onkyo DX C909 6 disc or an Adcom GCD 700 and they hseem to sound more musical and have a better sense of PRAT I question my universal. The ones above are around the same time as the 7001 but sold for $400 to $600 more. I am thinking the audio section is better. FYI I have had a Rega Apollo, Denon 1650AR, Cambridge 850, Sony 777, many NADs latest being a 545 Could care less about multi channel but most have it
I am not doing the dac thing for the same reason i am trying to avoid two machines. More cables, power cords which combo sounds better ie endless comparing It is why I went back to integrateds.
Pioneer DV-79AVi. Great universal player. Built like a tank. Reliable. Good sound.
Esoteric DV-50s. It plays CD, SACD, and DVD. It's built like a battleship and sounds great. Original retail was $5800, they sell for $1200-$1500.
try a used oppo 95 it will work well for what you needed will not break the bank