How much to spend to improve Linn Klimax

I have one of the first generation Linn Klimax Renew. The audio board is the later revision with Dynamik power supply.

I have no compliant, but what to get a sense what is the next step in sound quality? I know I can always step up to the latest Linn Klimax, but the cost is prohibitive.

The rest of the gear is Harbeth M30 and Ayre AX-7e
Did you actually hear the Ayre or just assuming it won't be as good because its less money? Sorry, but I ask because so many people make assumptions based on price.
This is getting nowhere. I have heard most big name Dacs when I was shopping a few years back. I guess other than the latest Kimax DS there really isn't anything close.
Then why waste everyone’s time with senseless questions? You already have your mind made up, so you'll get upset if someone gives you a different answer than the one you want. I've heard the Linn many times, and like everything they make, its over priced and over rated.